He dejado la explicacion en ingles, pero leerla si podeis porque es de lo mas interesante para hacerse un mapa mental de las cualificaciones en UK y poder entender como funcionan. Proximamente la dejare toda traducida al espaniol.

 En este link podeis encontrar mucha informacion sobre las cualificaciones UK y Europeas:


Que es QCF:

The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) is the new framework for vocational qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It aims to simplify the qualifications system by making it easier to understand and use for employers, learners and delivery providers.

Many existing qualifications from the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) are now available on the QCF, with the remainder due to make the transition during 2011. All new vocational qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are accredited on the QCF.

QCF qualifications and the units within them each have a credit value, with one credit representing 10 hours of total learning time. There are three types of qualification, depending on their overall size:

·         Awards of 1 to 12 credits

·         Certificates of 13 to 36 credits

·         Diplomas of 37 or more credits.

Qualification titles on the QCF are standardised across all awarding organisations to help understanding. Each one shows the size of achievement as well as the challenge involved.

Credits can be accumulated at a learner's own pace and can be stored over time as they work towards qualifications step by step – via a range of delivery providers and awarding organisations if needed. Some credits can be transferred between relevant qualifications, meaning that a learner does not have to repeat units of learning.


Que es City&Guilds:

City & Guilds is a world leading vocational education organisation.

We develop vocational qualifications across a variety of sectors that meet the needs of today’s workplace, and help individuals develop their talents and abilities for future career progression. Our qualifications are delivered in more than 10,000 training centres across the world and are widely recognised and respected by employers.

We believe learning has no limits - we can provide learners with the skills they need to succeed in the world of work; offer our centres the very best in learning support; and provide employers with the talented employees they need to boost their long-term profitability and growth.

Whether you want to offer our qualifications, develop your workforce or boost your career by enhancing your skills, City & Guilds is here to help.


 Que es NVQ:

NVQ qualifications have now migrated into the Qualification and Credits Framework, or the QCF. This new format will give all qualifications in England, Wales and N.Ireland a common feel, which is based on achievement leves and points. This new format applies to work based or vocational qualifications and academic qualifications aswell.


The QCF format recognises qualifications and skills. It accomplishes this by awarding credits for qualifications and units. Every unit has its own credit value. This credit value states the number of credits earned by the learner who completes that particular unit. The adaptiveness of the QCF format allows people to gain qualifications at their own pace within their own time schedule. This program can be worked out with your assessor who has qualified with the appropriate

Que es BTEC:

BTEC explained | BTEC: The basics

BTECs are widely recognised work-related qualifications suitable for a wide range of ages and abilities. Read on to find out more about how BTECs work and where they can take you.

What is a BTEC?
  • BTECs are work-related qualifications suitable for a wide range of students.
  • They're built to accommodate the needs of employers and allow progression to university.
  • They provide a practical, real-world approach to learning without sacrificing any of the essential subject theory.
  • They can be taken alongside, or in place of, GCSEs and A Levels. They can also form the knowledge component of Foundation Learning or BTEC Apprenticeships.
  • Available across a wide range of industry sectors, they're continually developed and updated to meet the needs of employers and learners.
Where can a BTEC take you?
  • BTECs have been around for nearly 30 years and their reputation is second to none.
  • They're recognised by schools, colleges, universities, employers and professional bodies across the UK and in over 100 countries worldwide.
  • They offer natural progression along a vocational path, from and to academic qualifications and university.
  • BTEC qualifications are developed with key industry representatives and sector skills councils.
  • Many industry and professional bodies offer exemptions to successful BTEC students for their own accredited qualifications.
More information
What are the different types of BTEC?
  • BTECs come in different levels, from Entry Level (Foundation Learning) right through to professional qualifications at Level 7 (equivalent to postgraduate study).
  • They also come in different sizes at each level. The smallest size is an Award, the next size is a Certificate and the largest is a Diploma.

Que es CIBSE:

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers received its Royal Charter in 1976. It is the professional body that exists to:

‘support the Science, Art and Practice of building services engineering, by providing our members and the public with first class information and education services and promoting the spirit of fellowship which guides our work.'

CIBSE promotes the career of building services engineers by accrediting courses of study in further and higher education, by approving workbased training programmes and providing routes to full professional Registration and Membership, including Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer and Engineering Technician. Once you are qualified, CIBSE offers you a range of services, all focussed on maintaining and enhancing professional excellence throughout your career.

CIBSE provides best practice advice

CIBSE is the standard setter and authority on building services engineering. It publishes Guidance and Codes which are internationally recognised as authoritative, and sets the criteria for best practice in the profession.

The Institution speaks for the profession and so is consulted by government on matters relating to construction, engineering and sustainability. It is represented on major bodies and organisations which govern construction and engineering occupations in the UK, Europe and worldwide.

Mas sobre QCF, NQF and EQF

Qualifications and Credit Framework

We regulate qualifications that use the rules of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF).

Qualifications that use the QCF rules are made up of units. This provides flexible ways to get a qualification. Each unit has a credit value which tells you how many credits are awarded when a unit is completed. The credit value also gives an indication of how long it will normally take you to prepare for a unit or qualification. One credit will usually take you 10 hours of learning.

Units build up to qualifications. There are three different types of qualification in the QCF: Award, Certificate and Diploma. You can achieve an Award with 1 to 12 credits; for a Certificate you will need 13 – 36 credits and for a Diploma you will need at least 37 credits. Units and qualifications are each given a level according to their difficulty, from entry level to level 8. The title of a qualification will tell you its size and level.

If a qualification includes a unit that you have already been awarded, you can use the unit you have already taken towards that qualification. Units awarded by different awarding organisations can be combined to build up qualifications.

The National Qualifications Framework

Qualifications that do not meet the rules of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) are developed to fit the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The NQF provides an indication of the relative demand of different qualifications.

Qualifications in the NQF are grouped together according to their difficulty. They are given a level from entry level to level 8. The levels are based on the standards of knowledge, skill and competence needed for each qualification. Qualifications at the same level can be very different in terms of content and the length of time they take to complete. The levels of the NQF and QCF can be seen on our comparing qualifications page.

European Qualifications Framework

The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) compares the level of qualifications across Europe making it easier to understand their value. This is useful if you need to explain your qualifications to others, or to understand qualifications awarded in other European countries. If you want to find out more about what your qualification is worth in other European countries, please visit our European Qualifications page.



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